About Chaselife

Are you looking to Lose Weight and Improve your Fitness?
Do you feel Nervous, Anxious or Scared about trying to Lose Weight or Improving your Fitness?
Have you tried to start your fitness journey before, but have been set back by Injuries, Lack of Motivation or feel like it's just too hard?
Join CHASELIFE and we will personally guide you to your fitness goals with confidence & a smile – So that you can finally feel fitter than ever!.David & Sarah
The Team

David & Sarah
I started running late in life at the grand old age of 36. Before I started running I was 16 stone, was very lazy (loved my sofa) and lived off takeaways. Running has changed my life! It helped to give me confidence, become fit, lose weight and join an amazing running community but most of all it makes me smile (#RunningHappyChappy). I have taken part in many races over the past 10 years from 5ks, 10ks, half marathons, marathons and now ultras (26.2+ miles). My background is in education, I'm a bit of a computer geek (I hope you like our website ) but shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. With this background and my love for running I have been leading beginners running groups for the last 3 years very successfully and I am now here to pass on my love and passion for running to you! #HappyRunning